Three Act Structure

Three Act Structure

Learn how to manage the standard three act structure to your greatest advantage with Canadian Invasion

 It is often said that there’s only one story that’s ever told,  and that stories adapted and repeated over and over.   We find this to be true in very many ways,  especially in regard to the present modern movie and Stage storytelling process.  


 That’s okay though,  as  there are only twelve notes in the North American music scale,  but look at how many songs have been written!

The Canadian Invasion screenwriting process will teach you how to get the most out of your three act structure,  how to tell your story in the best way possible,  and the differences between building a written play or the big stage,  and a screenplay for the big screen.

We look forward to guiding you through the screenwriting and playwriting process in a way that has never been done before.   And also look forward to helping you produce some of the creative works that you have designed.


 It’s time to be with it as we invade the world with our talent as Canadians.


Making world history right now!


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