The moment when it all got very real
Together we took this concept to Andrew Lane and in a conference call Drew fell in love with the concept. He wanted to hear the quality of talent that we were developing up here in Canada, so the larger project Journey began.
Zeus met with Drew in his studio at Universal Studios and pulled directly from the Disney archive five songs that they’ve been working on together. These songs were songs that remained under the lock and key in the Disney Vault until being needed for a major production. Zeus flew to Canada and tracked in one of our local recording studios here with the five artists at that time. Then did final production with a colleague of his in the Caribbean before making the trip back to Drew’s office in California. Drew listened to each track and reviewed each artist with Zeus and upon that review, green-lit what is now known as the Canadian Invasion.
Originally intended to be an opportunity for five individuals to tour across the United States, Drew had one larger vision that he wanted me to directly facilitate. Prior to the conversation it was my hope that we would create an opportunity for the artists to: a) “have passports will travel” to Nickelodeon Studios or b) bring them directly to open for major talents in the United States (Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga etc), however, Drew wanted to take things to a larger level [right from the beginning] with me at the helm of developing a Canadian Invasion television show that would be broadcast online independent of Walt Disney and his other connections and under the control of my record label and Publishing Company. That punk! LOL
The project was huge! Building the team was even bigger of a task! As a result of the conversation, I would now have to raise and train an extensive video production crew (amidst other things) up here in Canada. That tea would then be responsible for making the world-class productions needed to then forward to the majors like Walt Disney and MTV to utilize. It was going to be a load of work but as many of you know about me, I do not shy away from the difficult, challenging and even highly technical workloads. I love equipping others in world-class success and I am sure that is in-part what keeps putting awards on the walls of my schools.
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